How To Make Gold in WoW

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dugi's Guide Competition Video

Loremaster & Dungeon Guide

What's your favourite Zone?

Dugi is hosting a contest where you can get
up to 5 in-game pets and a lifetime account
with Dugi Guides to receive free all his guides
for free (including future products)

All you have to do is visit the link below...

Dugi's Guide Competition

and post on the comment section about your
favourite questing Zone for WoW, that it!

This is 100% free to enter and no registration
of any sort required.

Dugi has a long history of releasing awesome
new guides, this is an awesome opportunity
so don't miss out!

Enter Dugi's Guide Competition Here

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dugi's Guide Cataclysm Pre Order

Watch The Video Below To Check out The MASSIVE Changes To Dugi Leveling Guides And Pre-Order Your Cataclysm Leveling Guide

Dugi's Guide Cataclysm Pre Order

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dugi's Guide v4.20

Click Here Now For Dugi's Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide

Dugi's Guide Viewer v4.20 Update is now available with several new features!

* Ant Trail Feature: An 'Ant trail' will now appear on your
map and minimap to help you find those waypoints easier.
It will also connect the waypoints together to create a route
on your map, this will only work if you're using TomTom.
(Carbonite already have an ant trail feature)

* Updated Waypoint System: The waypoints should now point in
the order of the description rather than pointing to the last
coordinates first.

* Updated Waypoint Descriptions: The waypoints description
for accepting and turning in quests will also include
the NPC name for easier reference.

* Over 200 Bug fixes for Leveling, Dungeon and Dailies
Guide, special thanks to everyone that submitted the bug
reports in the forum.

* Daily/Event guides tab have been merged together,
the events guide can be found at the bottom of the
Daily/Event tab.

* Ach/Prof tab have been added for our upcoming in-game
Achievement and Profession leveling guide.

So incase you're wondering we still have plans to release
our Achievement and Profession leveling guide before
Cataclysm is released, we are trying to cover as many
achievements as we can so players can complete their
achievements before Cataclysm arrive.

This is important as some achievements will be gone forever
but you get to keep them if you have already completed the
achievement, a great way to secure have more achievement
points than everyone else for bragging rights :).

Some of achievement guides will also be in video format as
well as in-game.

The Profession Leveling guides will save you from alt tabbing
from the game to read guides, and it will provide you with a
step by step guide that will auto detect with routes and
waypoints to find trainers, materials etc to make leveling
your professions easier than ever.

The Achievements & Profession guides will require cheap
upgrade fee, it won't as big as any of our main guides so
it will be a lot cheaper and Cataclysm updates for it will be

Unfortunately I'm not able to give you an ETA at this time,
we are working as fast as we can.

I highly recommend you update your Dugi's Guide Viewer addon
to v4.20 and also reinstall the guide for best results,
visit our download area below for the updates.

best regards
Dave Farrell (Dugi)

Download Your Own Copy of Dugi's Ultimate WoW Guide Here Now

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Joana's Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Guide

Joana's  Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Strategy Guide

Joana's Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Strategy Guide

From Joana: Hello I go by the name Joana, many know me from the World of Warcraft universe, I won Blizzard's leveling contest a few years back (first one to level 50 in world of Warcraft). My life is all about dedicated gaming and I will continue to share all my secrets and strategies to the world as long as you are willing to help me in return!

Master All 3 Races in Starcraft II!

Starcraft II Tech  Tree

If you want to play Starcraft 2 but only want to master and play one race, you will still need to master the other 2 races in starcraft 2 in order to win all the time with the one race you chose. My Guide covers all 3 races extensively, and after reading my guide you will have a full understanding of how to counter anything in the game with any race.

Download Your Copy of Joana's Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Guide Here Now!

Joana's  Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Strategy Guide

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Horde: How to make gold at low levels for Mining & Herbalism

On low levels making gold will be fairly easy if you choose the right professions. Mining and Herbalism are the two easiest professions one could choose to make some gold. Selling herbs and ore on the Auction House is the best way of getting a nice amount of gold while you are still leveling up. These two professions could be quite useful and still prove to be gold makers even on higher levels. It is advisable to download the Gatherer addon before you start to help you track all the discovered herbs and ores.

Where to find the trainers?
Mining trainers can be located:
    * Belil (Silvermoon City)
    * Brek Stonehoof (Thunder Bluff)
    * Brom Killian (The Undercity)
    * Johan Facht (Silverpine Forest)
    * Krugosh (Hellfire Peninsula)
    * Krunn (Durotar)
    * Makaru (Orgrimmar)
    * Pikkle (Tanaris)

Best areas to find ores:
The best area for mining Copper ore is The Barrens.
Tin Ore can also be found in The Barrens, usually in the southern parts. The Stonetalon Mountains and Thousand Needles are also home to a lot of Tin veins.
Iron ore and Gold ore could be found in the Alterac Mountains. Ashenvale, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highliands and Badlands are also goof areas to mine Iron and Gold.
Mithril ore and Truesilver ore can be found in the Thousand Needles - Highperch. For Mithril ore another good place could be Badlands. The best location there is the Lethlor Ravine.
Best spots for Thorium ore and Dark Iron ore are the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge.


Where to find the trainers?
Herbalism trainers can be located:
    * Angrun (Stranglethorn Vale)
    * Aranae Venomblood (Hillsbrad Foothills)
    * Botanist Nathera (Silvermoon City)
    * Botanist Tynarriel (Eversong Woods)
    * Faruza (Tirisfal Glades)
    * Flora Silverwind (Stranglethorn Vale)
    * Jandi (Orgrimmar)
    * Komin Winterhoof (Thunder Bluff)
    * Malvor (Moonglade)
    * Martha Alliestar (Undercity)
    * Mishiki (Durotar)
    * Ruw (Feralas)

Best areas to find herbs:
Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot could be found in Durotar, Mulgore and Tirisfall Glades.
Westfall and the Barrens have plenty of those herbs as well as the Mageroyal. 
To collect Bruiseweed go to Stonetalon or Redridge Mountains.
Wild Steelbloom and Kingsblood could be found in the North part of Stonetalon.
To collect Fadeleaf go to the Badlands, Hinterlands, Alterac Mountains or Arathi Highlands.
One of the best places to farm various herbs including the Khadgar's Whiskers is the Swamp of Sorrows and to find more Sungrass visit Feralas.

Click Here For The Ultimate WoW Guide!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Aliance: How to make gold at low levels for Mining & Herbalism

WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW

Leveling mining and herbalism are the two easiest ways of earning gold at low levels. Selling ore and herbs on the Auction House is a good way to get a nice amount of gold as you are leveling up. It is even quite useful to farm gold like this on higher levels. It is an advice that you download the Gatherer addon which will track all of your discovered ores and herbs so you don’t have to roam around trying to remember where a vein or a herb was on the map.


Where to find the trainers?
Mining trainers can be located:
    * Brock Stoneseeker (Loch Modan)
    * Dank Dizzlecut (Dun Morogh)
    * Dulvi (Azuremyst Isle)
    * Gelman Stonehand (Stormwind City)
    * Geofram Bouldertoe (City of Ironforge)
    * Hurnak Grimmord (Hellfire Peninsula)
    * Kurdram Stonehammer (Darkshore)
    * Matt Johnson (Duskwood)
    * Muaat (The Exodar)
    * Yarr Hammerstone (Dun Morogh)

Best areas to mine:
Best areas where you can mine Copper ore are Dun Morogh and Elwynn Forest.

For Tin ore you should scour the eastern parts of the Redridge Mountains and Loch Modan.

For Iron ore and Gold ore it is recommend to go to Alterac Mountains. Other places like Ashenvale, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highliands and Badlands are also nice.

For Mithril ore and Truesilver ore you should go to Highperch located in the Thousand Needles. Badlands is also a good location for Mithril ores. The best area there is Lethlor Ravine.

Best places for Thorium ore and Dark Iron ore are Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes.


Where to find the trainers?
Herbalism trainers can be located:
    * Alma Jainrose (Redridge Mountains)
    * Brant Jasperbloom (Dustwallow Marsh)
    * Cemorrhan (The Exodar)
    * Cylania Rootstalker (Ashenvale)
    * Firodren Mooncaller (Darnassus)
    * Flora Silverwind (Stranglethorn Vale)
    * Herbalist Pomeroy (Elwynn Forest)
    * Heur (Azuremyst Isle)
    * Kali Healtouch (Loch Modan)
    * Malorne Bladeleaf (Teldrassil)
    * Malvor (Moonglade)
    * Morae (Bloodmyst Isle)
    * Reyna Stonebranch (Ironforge)
    * Shylamir (Stormwind)
    * Tannysa (Stormwind City)
    * Telurinon Moonshadow (Wetlands)
    * Uma Bartulm (Dustwallow Marsh)
Best areas to find herbs:
Best areas to find Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot erbalism are Elwynn Forest and Teldrassil.

Continue to Westfall for more of the Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot and you will also find Mageroyal.

Redridge Mountains and Stonetalon Mountains are the best areas for Bruiseweed and also in the North part of Stonetalon you will be able to find Kingsblood and Wild Steelbloom.

Duskwood is also rich in these two.

Fadeleaf can be found in Arathi Highlands, Alterac Mountains and the Hinterlands.

The herb heaven, aka the Swamp of Sorrows, is home to Khadgar's Whiskers in example and a lot more different herbs.

Feralas is a nice area for Sungrass.

Click Here Now To Check Out Dugi's Ultimate WoW Guide!